How to Install the SimpliSafe Doorbell Camera?

Enhance your SimpliSafe security system with the easy-to-install and set-up SimpliSafe Video Doorbell Pro. No additional requirements are needed. Follow this straightforward guide for installing your new video doorbell.

Essential Tools to Install Your SimpliSafe Doorbell

To install the SimpliSafe Doorbell, you will need the following equipment:

  • Screwdriver kit that includes a regular screwdriver.
  • Drill with an appropriate drill bit.
  • Doorbell mounting screws, anchors, and power kit.
  • If you don’t already have a pre-installed doorbell, you will also need an 18 VAC doorbell power supply adapter.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing the SimpliSafe Doorbell

Here is how to install your SimpliSafe Doorbell:

1. Turning Off the Power

To safely remove your old doorbell, start by turning off the power. Locate your circuit breaker and find the breaker switch specifically labeled for the doorbell. If the labels are clear, simply switch them off to cut the power.

However, if there are no labels or they are not descriptive enough, you will need to turn off the breakers one by one until the doorbell chime no longer sounds when the button is pressed.

2. Remove Your Existing Doorbell

To install the SimpliSafe device, begin by disconnecting and removing the current doorbell from its wiring. If there is no existing doorbell, skip these initial steps.

In the absence of a doorbell, acquire an 18 VAC doorbell power supply adapter. This will allow you to connect the device to a nearby power outlet. Next, drill a small hole outside your door at your desired doorbell location.

3. Connect the Doorbell Power Kit to the Existing Wiring

Upgrade your doorbell with the SimpliSafe Doorbell power kit. Easily connect it to the adapter or existing wiring from your previous doorbell for a seamless installation.

4. Install the Mount Bracket

Easily install the doorbell with the included mounting bracket. Hang it in a convenient spot near your door using the provided screws and anchors.

5. Installation of the Doorbell

Mount your SimpliSafe doorbell onto the bracket and easily adjust the angle for maximum convenience. Use the included level to ensure your doorbell remains perfectly straight at all times. Achieve seamless installation and peace of mind.

6. Activating Your SimpliSafe Doorbell

To ensure your smart doorbell functions properly, follow these steps after installation:

  • Turn on the power supply and test the doorbell.
  • Press the button to confirm that it lights up and triggers the chime inside your home.

Common issues that may prevent your doorbell from ringing:

  • If there are no lights on the doorbell, detach it from the mount to check the wiring connection to the terminals.
  • If the doorbell chime doesn’t ring or produces a buzzing sound, your wiring may not be compatible. Request a chime connector from SimpliSafe.
  • Please note that the SimpliSafe Video Doorbell Pro only works with mechanical doorbell chimes and is not compatible with digital or wireless chimes.

7. Connecting your Doorbell to Wi-Fi

Simply connect your SimpliSafe Doorbell to your Wi-Fi network and effortlessly complete the setup by following the instructions in the user-friendly SimpliSafe app.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Voltage Requirements for SimpliSafe Doorbell Cameras?

For optimal performance, we recommend using a 16-volt adapter with this camera, although voltages ranging from 8 to 24 volts are compatible.

Does the SimpliSafe Doorbell integrate with my current chime system?

The SimpliSafe doorbell camera seamlessly integrates with your existing doorbell chime, eliminating the need for additional installation. However, if you do not have an existing doorbell, alternative options are available to ensure you have a chime inside your home.

Is it possible to operate the SimpliSafe doorbell without a chime?

No chime box is needed – just plug it in and connect to wifi for phone streaming. And don’t worry, even if you prefer not to use a chime, it’s not necessary.